You Have Too Much Time On Your Hands

March 28, 2014

Too much time on my hands? Not me. :: eat. sleep. market.

You have too much time on your hands.

This phrase kept popping into my head this morning. Thinking of how it was previously accented and punctuated.

YOU have too much time on your hands.

You have TOO MUCH time on your hands.

You have too much time on YOUR hands.


In the traditional sense, it’s defined as someone that has extra time or time to spare. And, it’s often within the context of someone performing an act that is either considered an “extra”, over-the-top, unnecessary deed. A nice-to-have. Not something that would normally be performed in the day-to-day.

I have a problem with this statement.

We are all gifted the same amount of hours in a single day. How we choose to spend each of those hours, each of those minutes is up to us. How we choose to feel each hour belongs to us, thus a direct reflection on how we are spending our time.

I often think that if someone uses the statement of “you have too much time on your hands,” they are pointing the proverbial finger, letting you know that you should be doing something different. But why? What would or should I be doing differently?

Structuring your day to take care of what you love or enjoy doing should not be considered a luxury.

Of course we all have daily tasks that are taxing. Things that are less than desirable. Days that seem to go on forever. But these moments should not define the whole.

{Remember: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts}

Do you want to feel happy? {I know, silly question, who doesn’t?} And I don’t think that’s a crazy question to ask. When was the last time that question was asked of you? Are you happy? If you struggle to answer yes, what could be altered to make them wonder how you happen to have the time on your hands? What do you enjoy doing that you can’t seem to “fit” in to your current schedule? Reading, writing, exercise, home-cooked meals, more playtime with your babies, styling your cat’s fur? It’s about organizing your time.

Figure out how you currently spend your time each day and work those hours like you own them…because you do. You have twenty-four hours to mold. Enjoy each moment and make the time special.

Choose joy and don’t worry. We know you don’t have too much time on your hands. You have the perfect amount of time to accomplish everything you wanted to do.

Happy Friday!

{Hi, bubbs!}


  1. Reply

    Erica (Loyal RUN)

    I agree with this post 100%, Ann!
    I couldn’t have worded it better myself.
    It was definitely nice to see I am not the only one who feels this way.

    1. Reply


      Absolutely 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Erica. Hope school is going great!!

  2. Reply

    Joni Moore

    Love this! What a great way of looking at things. This fits perfectly into my life right now and the direction I am going. People who know me can tell you that even just since January I have become a completely different person. I have really opened my heart wider to God and his plans for my life, begun to truly live according to my values, done away with the clutter in my life, including some people who were bringing me down, and just been a more positive person in general. Money aside, my life has the potential to be just as good as anyone else’s, regardless if it is doing what someone else thinks I should be doing. If my 24 hours are making my family and I happy then I am doing exactly what I need to be doing.

    1. Reply


      I love this. Wish it had a “like” button because it echoes my feelings. Thanks for the comment, Joni!

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