Words for the Week + Weekly Wishes #3

December 16, 2013

Oh, happy day. Kicking off the week with a sick little lady. My heart just breaks, melts and runs into the cracks of our toy-filled wooden floors when she or J gets hit with any sort of bug. Just want to take it away. I know she’ll be better in a few days so I won’t fret for too long. It IS kinda nice that one of the only things she wants to do is lounge around and cuddle on mama. I. Die.

Words for the week are simple, sweet and often forgotten. Learn + Love + Have Fun. Simple formula for a wonderful outcome. Thanks to Benton Park Prints, a local spot for inspiration, for designing and selling this print (AND MANY MORE – check them out!)

So true! Benton Park Prints :: #EatSleepMarketvia

I’m also kicking off the week with a few new wishes. I sucked it hard last week so hopefully I can do a bit better this time around – but no beating myself up over the small things. I’ll get to take some time for me when the time is right! Right now, it’s for my loves 🙂
weeklywishesloveOH! And don’t forget to link up with The Nectar Collective!

+take time for professional development. I’ve slacked on reading my dailies for marketing as well as talking to a few others in my field and my mentor. This week, I will dedicate some time to regroup and learn a few new things. Still slacked a bit but did way more that previous week so go me!

+devote a few hours for personal reflection. Not a few hours but some time was logged.

+try a pinterest recipe for dinner. I spend all that time pinning – I need to make more of the things I pin! Ick. Not dinner but I did try two dessert recipes 🙂

Weekly Wishes :: #EatSleepMarket

+finish my nice list.

+try again to grab a pinterest recipe for dinner.

+1 hour a day for personal reflection. I think if I put a time on it, it’s a more manageable, achievable, accountable goal.

The Nectar Collective

1 Comment

  1. Reply

    amanda branham

    Tis the season for sickness! My little one is fighting a cold and teething at the same time, so needless to say, I didn’t get around to my goals last week! Good luck with continuing to achieve your goals. Personal reflection is a must, and something I need to work on more as well. As for the Pinterest dinner…Pinterest is where I learned to cook (I’m pretty new at cooking…) I was nervous at first but now I love finding new meals!

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