Wanna Know What’s In My Bag? Weekend Edition

June 22, 2014

Oh, my goodness. So many people sharing what’s in their bags lately. TONS. OF. BLOGGERS. And what pops up on the page? All of these cute accessories. So lovely and colorful. I gush. But honestly, every time I see a title pop up that’s about this bag unveiling, I only picture Ally Sheedy…

I don’t know about my fellow bloggers, but I could not survive a day with what some of these lovely ladies place in those tiny bags. Perhaps some editing is to blame. But then again, I’m also a type A mama that thinks she needs to carry at least half of her universe most of the time. So, I decided to participate. I did it. I dumped my bag out. I’m sharing what’s in my bag – the mom bag / weekend edition. Enjoy!

What's in the mom bag? Weekend Edition

Let’s start this thrilling ride at the top and move in a fun zigzag pattern. First, my weekend bag – it’s roomy {a.k.a. h u g e} and looks like summer. I love it. Next, snacks. I re-purposed a creamer bottle and carry Cheerios 24/7. I also have a few crunchy veggie sticks this weekend. This is followed by the Boogie Wipes. A must-have in the bag. For one, it not only cleans my beauty’s boogies or face, but it can clean up a mess as well as keep her preoccupied for about ten minutes, if needed. I carry a cardigan with me because you never know. This is followed by my wallet and a second pair of shoes for Mads, because you never know. The girl needs options. I know this. I understand this. I support this. Take a trip to the next row, and it starts with my phone, a comb, a Princess Sophia notebook {a girl sometimes has to create!}, gum, contact solution, pens and my keys.

I know. T H R I L L I N G. 🙂

I would love to know what fellow mamas carry on the weekends – what are some of your ultimate go-to items? What can’t you leave at home?

Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. Reply


    I carry my camera, diapers, wipes, extra outfit for the baby, a blanket, my phone, my 32 ounce water bottle, first aid kit, small make up bag, and snacks. I swear it weighs like 10 pounds. haha
    And it’s never pretty or organized.

    1. Reply


      I’m a fan of a first aid kit – need to get one for my bag…good thought!

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