Thursday Thoughts: Knowledge is Power

August 31, 2013

{Getting my Thursday Thoughts out late – apologies! But better late than never I always say!}

Several articles exist out there that talk about how to “sell” SEO to management or ways to sway majority vote in favor of your digital strategy. Although that may be well and good, and actually yield your desired results, it doesn’t entirely satisfy what you are hoping to accomplish in the first place. To execute a successful, sustainable plan, it starts with one thing – knowledge. Unless upper management starts to understand the reasons why this strategy is necessary and the basics of how it will work, you may end up with more questions at the end of a report instead of support. Then, you are back at step one –  trying to re-sell the idea and remember why they bought into this in the first place.

Knowledge is Power :: #EatSleepMarket

Here are just a few ways to get this conversation going on the right track and making sure the strategy sticks.

First, offer a knowledge forum

Avoid calling it “training” and encourage it to be a discussion for both sides to share concerns and then discuss the steps you and/or your team will implement. This format will make it more conversational and allow both sides to share in the strategy. With greater knowledge and participation within the overall structure, the management team will share in the responsibility.

Next, try short videos to recap

If you have the ability to share a “How To” video or a recap of high points, this would be great to share. This will serve as valuable collateral if they 1. need to review or 2. want to share with new members of the team. This will save much time and effort on both sides. Going back and trying to recount important points, steps, strategic vision, and overall baseline statistics might be difficult to compile on short notice.

Third, if video isn’t available, create a printable strategy

Same idea as the video, but get it down on paper. I would recommend this even if you can do the video. Why not have both?

Then, revisit quarterly

Once the baseline is set and the strategy is up and running, now it’s time to get the reporting doc down and schedule a quarterly meeting. This is necessary and will cover those items discussed in the forum. Use the same verbiage and report what is expected. They know what to expect this way. If you are adding new items, be sure to call these out both on the report and during the presentation to make sure everything is clear and understood. Include future recommendations and updates within the industry. They will continue to receive additional knowledge nuggets without really knowing, but this is great! Now their conversations surrounding this strategy to other individuals will be educated and informed, which is exactly what you want. Perfect!

What ways are you sharing the strategy wealth? I would love to know!

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