SEO: The Value in the Long Tail

January 20, 2013

I feel like sometimes the long tail keywords get a bad rap. General characteristics of these include a string of words, generally 3+ words with low competition and relatively low search volume. Sounds tempting, doesn’t it? However, when considering what the purpose of good SEO should achieve (ie, quality leads, clicks, conversions, etc), long tail terms are exactly what you need to incorporate into your existing strategy. It gives your strategy that added level of customization, allowing you to optimize for a specific type of audience that is looking to actively convert on your page. And although the volume of traffic from these keywords might be small, the conversion rate will, in many cases, be through the roof. Ah, the long tail. It’s definitely a love/hate relationship, especially when one wants to see a quick return on investment. But if that’s the case, SEO wouldn’t be the way to go anyway. Therefore, consider the options on what to include and don’t choose to exclude something that should at least be tested before thrown out.

I scouted out a great infographic to show you a bit more about the long tail and the opportunities availability in order to further optimize for these missing elements. [Click on the image to see details enlarged.]

seo | long tail keywords

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