Words for the Week


Words for the Week + Weekly Wishes #4

Arg. I’m running a bit behind this week. This three day weekend kicked my butt, sir. Big. Time. All the more reason to get these darn goals down and start sharing with the universe. And share the words for the week. I love these guys. Deciding what they will be isn’t always the easiest, but I’m always up for the challenge… for taking chances. Taking chances could be my maiden name… I come from a long line of chance-takers. As...

Words for the Week + Weekly Wishes #3

Oh, happy day. Kicking off the week with a sick little lady. My heart just breaks, melts and runs into the cracks of our toy-filled wooden floors when she or J gets hit with any sort of bug. Just want to take it away. I know she’ll be better in a few days so I won’t fret for too long. It IS kinda nice that one of the only things she wants to do is lounge around and cuddle on...

Words for the Week + Weekly Wishes #2

Welcome to another week, friends! This will be a quick post, but I definitely wanted to share words + wishes for the week. Action for the week: wake up with a great thought to start your day off right and carry it with you the whole day. Remember the authority of this thought, the power it can possess and the reality that the day can be better because you simply want it to be. Go and do it! via I...

Words for the Week + Weekly Wishes #1

Hello, again! Happy Monday to all of you out there – hope it’s treating you well and that you were able to emerge out of our turkey-induced food coma and join the real world 🙂 I know that this morning was a little rough for this gang! {Talk about exhausted! Sure, sleep was a little short to come by the past few amazing/exhausting/fun-filled days but this mama spent about 20 minutes just trying to get the troops to open their...