Words for the Week + Weekly Wishes #6

February 6, 2014

Keep your balance - keep moving


Something felt so… off… about this week, and I remembered – I didn’t do my weekly wishes! Better late than never seems to be the theme for these posts, HOWEVER they still serve a very important purpose. I still make those goals mentally and now it’s time to share them with everyone!
Happy Thursday, my friends.


+continue to keep that wake-up call. Got it! It’s TOUGH. That 5 a.m. alarm seems to come super fast. Faster than usual. But I’m sticking with it. I just keep thinking how great I feel after those first few moments right out of bed, and I start moving! The after effect is worth those first uneasy moments.

+fruit it up. Did it. Still doing it. Next?

+homemade meals all week. As I said, “Fridays are the hardest.” Well, obviously that week wasn’t an exception… and I didn’t try too hard to resist the temptation to have a meal that I didn’t prepare at home. Pizza night 🙂 Enjoyed by all!

Weekly Wishes :: #EatSleepMarket
+accept it and embrace it. wake-up call. Seriously need this. Get used to it! However, I won’t just rise and shine after a moment of hesitation. I’m not going to let that moment take me on. So far – so good!

+clear out all inboxes. It’s starting to get slightly embarrassing the level of disorganization this is reaching. Not having it.

+monthly goal list. I have a few things I want to track better and gathering these high priorities will help me sort through my progress. First up (for the month of February), running mileage. I currently use MapMyRun, but I sometimes forget to use it. Need to get back to it!

+bake a pie. Because why not?

The Nectar Collective
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  1. Reply


    I’m glad I found your blog through the weekly wishes link up! It’s so well designed, easy to navigate and quite literally calming to look at! I can’t believe you are waking up at 5am every morning! That is quite and accomplishment! It’s nice to meet you!

    1. Reply


      Thank you for the sweet comments 🙂 Glad you enjoy it!

  2. Reply


    I give you credit for getting up at 5 a.m, that’s early! I have managed 6 a.m. for the new year but it still feel dread when I hear the alarm clock go off. I am also making homemade meals and resisting the temptation of takeout – my kids balked at first but are now actually enjoying them. I fit fruit into my day by making smoothies – I got a personal blender so I don’t have to clean out the big one every day.

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