Simple Joys

January 18, 2014

One of my favorite weekend moments is brushing my teeth with my little girl on Saturday morning. So silly. But so sweet. We’re always racing the clock in the evenings and on Sunday mornings that our little Saturday time is a bit more relaxed and we can take our time relishing in this experience together.

{Whether she learns to love or hate brushing her teeth as a result of this is up for debate, because I plan to continue this little “date” well into her twenties. I kid. But, she does have six other days where she gets to do this by herself anyway. Just sayin’. 🙂 }

Remembering the Simple Joys :: #EatSleepMarket

She’s still trying to get the hang of the brushing part but nevertheless does a great job. And it was during this morning’s brushing party that it got me thinking … so many little moments like this tend to pop up and remind me that no matter what else might be going on in our life, we have these little gems that sparkle among those dark moments…

+ If my husband starts to walk ahead of me, he will reach behind himself looking for my hand. (shout-out: Hi, bubbs!)
+ “Car talk” with my mom. {Yep, it’s an inside thing.}
+ Sunday dinner.
+ Leggings to bed.
+ Holiday chocolate kisses and coca-cola.
+ Waking up before everyone and savoring that quiet cup of coffee.
+ Running.
+ Weekly gal time.

The list could go on and on. I’ll save you from that for now. But now it’s your turn.

Take just a moment out of your day for reflection (I know you can find one) and recall those simple daily/weekly/monthly/yearly simple joys that pop up.
Define them.
Recall what types of emotions they allow you to feel, other than joy, of course.

[Insert instant day boost here!!]

Whether your moments are out of routine or pure spontaneity, they are worth savoring. Take the time and know that these moments are your simple joys!

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