Another Year In The Books

October 21, 2014

This past weekend, my bubbs and I celebrated that beautiful day when we decided to promise forever to each other.

H A P P Y  A N N I V E R S A R Y ,  J – B U B B S !1934837_527922961658_1201333_n

I won’t gush or say how he still makes my heart swoon. 🙂 Although we are still newlyweds, only four years into this wild ride, I’ve learned a few things along the way. Great lessons {and maybe a cliche’ or two} that are constantly carried in our hearts as helpful reminders.

Although we wrote our own vows and made promises to each other that were uniquely ours, the backbone was rooted in faith and tradition.


There are good days and there are bad days.

However, the summation of the good days + the bad days creates the most memorable journey that is uniquely yours. No one else will celebrate a good day like the two of you. No one will tolerate or try to weather the bad days like the two of you. The journey is yours and yours alone. So awesome.

You are a team.

Something my dad said years ago continues to stick with me. “You’re on the same side,” he said.  We work towards common goals. But it’s much more than that. As a team, you challenge your partner to work hard for personal and professional accomplishments. Your growth does not stop. It’s encouraged. After all, that teammate is also your number one fan, your biggest cheerleader, at times your biggest critic, but always on your side.

Hang out with your friends.

A favorite. Such an important one. I’m a huge fan of group dates or some one-on-one time with bubbs, but those times cannot replace the precious moments with my pals. Don’t forget your friendships. Don’t forget to be a friend to those who helped get you through the rain and to the sunny side of life. And encourage your significant other to do the same.

Drop the nitpicking.

I always try to pick my “battles,” and I often find that when I just dismiss something that was bothering me, it was something so minor and not worth the hassle. I don’t remember this every time but taking a moment to breath and think if it’s really worth it definitely saves a few moments.

Celebrate each other.

I love just loving him. And I think it’s because I’m excited to love and cherish him. I’m not taking about the hanky-panky part here. It’s the moments I can profess my love from the rooftops {like my blog 😉 } or send him to work with a note. He comes home at least once a week with fresh flowers because he knows I just adore this. It’s just the little things that put the biggest smiles on our faces. What puts a smile on his/her face?

Date and have fun!

This could also be just get in some quality alone time away from kids and/or technology. Enjoy great conversation, laugh oh-so loud and just do something together – just the two of you. I’m all for having fun and making fools of yourself. You ARE in love, after all.1931185_514424986708_6147_n

Hope you enjoyed my short + sweet list. Feel free to use often and throughout the daily yucks + yays. And enjoy spending forever with your best pal!

Linking up with Tiffany, Anne and Jessica.


  1. Reply


    Oh Anne I love these points and each and every one is spot on. I hope being “newlyweds” never ends for you guys because, who doesn’t want that giddy feeling forever?! Happy anniversary, you gorgeous being.

    1. Reply

      Ann Ehnert

      Jess, thank you so much for this. I’m glad you enjoyed it! xoxo

  2. Reply


    So glad you linked up…our posts are so similar! Love your tips for your marriage!

    1. Reply

      Ann Ehnert

      They ARE similar 🙂 Wrote a note on yours. Loved yours and no matter how many years you’re married, some things don’t change – and that’s awesome!

  3. Reply

    Cindy Hasko

    Yes!! So true!! Such great reminders!! Ya gotta be best friends in marriage, too!! I saw your site/post on PIGANDDAC. I followed your other sites too 🙂 Nice to meet ya! Cindy from

    1. Reply

      Ann Ehnert

      Thanks, Cindy. Yes, the best of friends. After all, we’ll be around each other for a bit… 😉

  4. Reply


    BEST post! I loved reading what you’ve learned in your 4 years of marriage. And the first one was one I hadn’t ever heard or even thought about but it’s sooo true. No marriage is the same, yours is uniquely YOURS <3

    1. Reply

      Ann Ehnert

      I appreciate that so much, Jessica. I’m glad you enjoyed it! I definitely think that first point is such an important one. We do us – like no one else. And you guys do you guys – it’s awesome. 🙂

  5. Reply

    Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout

    You guys look so happy and in love! Congrats.

    1. Reply

      Ann Ehnert

      Well, thanks, Sarah! Have a great weekend!

  6. Reply


    You guys look happy together. Treasure your relationship and make it last forever.

    1. Reply

      Ann Ehnert

      Thank you so much!

  7. Reply

    Melissa @ The Rambling Llama

    this is such a great post and all great points!

    1. Reply

      Ann Ehnert

      So glad you enjoyed it, Melissa! I’m sure there are so many more things that could be included, but shoot, that might be one hefty list 🙂

  8. Reply

    Sarah (@12TwentySeven)

    I know I’m late to the game but Happy Anniversary! They say marriage gets sweeter with time and I truly believe it! The years you spend together allow you to really know one another and tackle this life together! Your pictures are so, so sweet!

    1. Reply

      Ann Ehnert

      Thank you, Sarah! Never too late 🙂 I would have to agree with you. Definitely one of the most wild rides I’ve been on, but I’m up for the adventure.

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