

The Dance of Motherhood

Dance by definition is both a noun and a verb. Dance as a noun typically means a gathering of people joined by a common theme to partake in the verb of dance. Dance as a verb means to move one’s feet or body in either a choreographed or freeform way. Music is optional but most often present in both definitions of the word. Dance: sometimes intimidating but often rewarding and in my mind, really fun....

Work-[Family] Life Balance

Days and weeks can get messy. Things get lost in the fold. I can’t remember the last time I saw my daughter’s favorite socks [and cue her request for said socks NOW]. Moments when I genuinely  connect with my husband seem to sometimes be lifetimes apart. My daughter sometimes whimpers as I put her to bed as she just wants 5 more minutes of me. It’s within these moments that I ask for grace and seek the strength to reignite the...

Mother Lovin’ Feelings

Happy early holiday weekend, friends. This week has just been an off one for me. My crew? Not so much. They never skip a beat with needing and wanting and asking and begging … <sorta>just kidding</sorta>. Because of this weird funk, I did what any digital mama would do … I took to the blogs. I just need to say this: there are some wonderfully talented and just rockstar mamas out there. I can’t help but find comfort that I...

Mother’s Day Weekend Rewind

Why do the days just fly by? So unfair. My girl needs more cuddles, my bubbs needs more kisses, my family needs more phone calls, my friends need more “us”. S L O W D O W N. Just me? No? Good. Although the days and months and years seem to fly by, there is no shortage of love, understanding and appreciation. Mother’s Day weekend was no exception. As a daughter, granddaughter and mom, the day was filled, to say...

Mom Brain

If you haven’t used the excuse, I’m sure you’ve heard someone else say, “Oh, mom brain!” The Breakwomb did a hilarious skit with mom brain, and I’ll do the favor of sharing it with you right now … I’ll give you a moment to compose yourself after that amazingness. “Mom brain” has been getting moms out of missing the peanut butter in that peanut butter and jelly sandwich for years. This phrase is often code for “overworked-forgetful-whoa-man-that-still-does-it-all-but-still-forgetful.” In other words, it’s not...