Digital Marketing


Pinterest Updates + How You Can Benefit

Pinterest mixed it up this past week! Designed to improve the user experience and encourage the user to keep pinning like crazy, the updates can definitely be crowd-pleasers. 01. Pinterest is now supporting GIFs. via Yep, yep. According to Pinterest, “Starting [Thursday, January 23rd], we support GIFs in all their animated glory! … For starters, you’ll be able to play your GIFs on the web, but we’ll be sure to bring them to your mobile soon.” What this means for...

Social Media Best Practices + Christmas Vacation

It’s no secret that National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is a holiday staple in our household. From Thanksgiving until the new year, we pretty much run this puppy on repeat. Sure, the movie’s hilarity keeps us around but also the nods to family quirks and big dreams keep our eyes glued to the screen {or at least mine!}. Clark is definitely an odd ball, but with that odd ball comes a huge heart and a family that loves him. They would...

Cyber Monday Email Marketing

Although I do enjoy online shopping, I’m not a huge Cyber Monday participant. Go figure. And even though I may not grab those “exclusive one-day” deals, I love checking out the email advertisements, especially what types of tactics marketers use to get someone to open the email. I know, I know. You probably felt inundated by the ridiculous amounts of retail emails yesterday. Sure, it can be overwhelming, but I opted in and as an online marketer, it’s the one...

Read This Before Creating More Content

In this magnificent/crazy/ever-changing digital space, there seems to be a resounding thought: content is king.Got it. Understand it. But really, that’s not enough. The follow-through, the creation of the content, is essential. {I know, I know that goes without saying, but let me bridge this…} The only way this content will be “king” is if it has the necessary elements. These four elements make up what I like to call POUF: Personality Originality Usefulness Focus Without these four things, content...

A Few Notes on Digital Marketing Data

There’s a BIG problem. The amount of analytical data a digital marketer can consume in a single day has an increased potential to be overwhelming…and you may go home at night and dream of Excel spreadsheets. It happens. It’s okay. The number one rule to remember about data – it doesn’t hide information but it is not all encompassing. Therefore, you still may be getting a large snapshot of what is happening, but pieces of the puzzle must be inferred...