Content Marketing


Read This Before Creating More Content

In this magnificent/crazy/ever-changing digital space, there seems to be a resounding thought: content is king.Got it. Understand it. But really, that’s not enough. The follow-through, the creation of the content, is essential. {I know, I know that goes without saying, but let me bridge this…} The only way this content will be “king” is if it has the necessary elements. These four elements make up what I like to call POUF: Personality Originality Usefulness Focus Without these four things, content...

Pinterest Marketing Check-List

I have been on Pinterest a lot lately. One, because once you start, it’s still hard to stop. Two, we are in the process of decorating a few rooms in our home, and I’m getting a ton of great ideas, so the time use is effective. 🙂  But while pinning my dream closet and gallery wall designs, I noticed several online retailers not using Pinterest to their full advantage. Yes, I am “window shopping” for the home, but I can’t...

Social Media 101 – Details Matter

It happens more often than one might think! We get into a [social media posting] rhythm and think it won’t happen to us. Trust that it does. Be sure to take an extra moment to review what you will publish on all social networks. Your target audience will thank you later by clicking on the links, viewing your site/information, and making it all worth your while!...

Loving the Meta Description

I love the meta description. Something that is often forgotten, undervalued, or not even considered. Why not? How you could not acknowledge this brief yet detailed snapshot of a webpage that you may or may not visit during search? Chances are, as a user, you encounter several meta descriptions every day. And although you may not be immediately aware of their value, you notice those lines of text. In SEO, meta descriptions do not have an effect on keyword rankings,...