To Tweet or Not To Tweet

October 2, 2011

I read an article on PR Daily last week titled, “7 Places You Should Never Tweet From“, and once I got over the fact that the post title ended in a preposition (cue the music for my hugest pet peeves!) and started to read the contents, I started to think of the wheres and whens for a tweet. Sure, we can say that a person shouldn’t tweet from a bar or bathroom (and I’m a full supporter of not tweeting and driving), but what about the times that are absolutely necessary but often forgotten?

Whether you sell products or services, it’s important to remember certain times outside of the office to tweet to your fan base/followers. Here are three times that are important to share with your listeners:

1. Casual Business Events

Tweets don’ t have to always be just business. It’s important to show your followers that your business is a team, and you have fun too! By tweeting quick event details or perhaps a picture or two, your followers will get a sense of your culture. This may also help with helping business or employee prospects decide on your product or service.

2. Industry-Related Conference or Seminars

Is your company participating in a local or national conference? Whether your company is a highlighted speaker, sponsor of the seminar, or merely attending for professional development, make sure you have a social media presence. Odds are, the conference will host a Twitter hashtag to help communicate and share related information. If not, create your own company branded hashtag for the event and share it early on with your followers. And, you’re set! Be sure to append the hashtag when you are sharing information via Twitter relative to the confernece.

3. Local Community Events

This would also be a time that is not necessarily directly business related but provides a great opportunity for you to showcase your business as a supporter of your local community. If there is a great weekend art fair that highlights several local artists or businesses, and if you aren’t directly associated with the event, be sure to be in attendance. Reach out (via Twitter) to artists/businesses that you admire or click with your business interests and comment on their participation. Who knows? Perhaps you might find your next customer, partnership, or opportunity through this digital conversation.

What do you think are the most important times to tweet for your business outside the office?

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