toddler activities


Homemade Watercolors


Our little girl is a lover of making. Not a day goes by where she isn’t coloring a page, making a card or drawing with chalk. She adores color. So, when I noticed a few paint recipes floating around Pinterest, I started doing a little research on what we could do at home. Anything new that we can add to the mix is great. Add in the fact that this recipe is EASY just adds to my motherly joy....

Toddler Activity: Pasta Art

I saw a fun toddler sensory activity circling around on Instagram and Pinterest that I thought would be the perfect start to an art project: dyed pasta. It’s seriously one of the most simple DIY sensory projects ever, and the entertainment lasted for hours … on multiple days. Score. Added bonus: we used it for a really sweet art project for family and friends to enjoy....

Day-Dates with My Favorite Two Year Old

I love that she is TWO. Yep, I said it. Let it sink in for a moment. I love this age. I love TWO. I love the running around in circles, picking flowers in the grass, finger paint on everything, mess in my backseat, screaming to scream and laughing to laugh. Before you stop reading and think I’ve jumped off the deep end, hear me out… This age has brought a world of change to our daughter. And I’m sure...