Mother Lovin’ Feelings

May 26, 2016

Happy early holiday weekend, friends. This week has just been an off one for me. My crew? Not so much. They never skip a beat with needing and wanting and asking and begging … <sorta>just kidding</sorta>.

Because of this weird funk, I did what any digital mama would do … I took to the blogs. I just need to say this: there are some wonderfully talented and just rockstar mamas out there. I can’t help but find comfort that I walk with them in this journey of motherhood. Thank you for sharing all that you are and all that you do. I get you.

I wanted to share a few reads that I enjoyed and hope you can find some laughter and love from their moments. Because that’s what it’s all about: sharing.

B E L G I A N  A N D  A  H A L F  // Spring and flower babies

Amber welcomed her beautiful baby number 2 this month. Her pictures are just beautiful, and I can pretty much smell that perfect baby scent. Congratulations, girl.

C O F F E E  A N D  C R U M B S // Three Words

Because “they” never tell you how challenging this could be when you become a mom, but at the end of the day, you’re still the most giving mama ever.

A D V E N T U R E S  O F  B U G  A N D  B O O // When Self Care Isn’t Just About You

Yes to this. She had quite a scare at 31 weeks, and it reminded her that self-care is more than just taking a moment for herself.

B E I N G  M R S  B E E R // Working Mom Confessions

Enough said. And it’s a gem. It’s just nice to relate to another working mom in the blog world.

M U M  T U R N E D  M O M // Outdoors: Me and My Girl

Her blog is so sweet. Love one-on-one date with our littles. The memories are the best.

By Ann

1 Comment

  1. Reply

    Janine Huldie

    I will have to check out some of these blogs you mentioned above and thank you for sharing. Here is to a wonderful weekend now!! 🙂

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