Email Marketing with Gmail Tabs – Example Included

August 15, 2013

The update to the Gmail tabs is not the end of email marketing. Actually, quite the opposite. This gives us the ability to revisit our strategy and see what areas need optimization and further consideration. The tabs are providing consumers an additional way of segmenting the inbox. Although it’s an option to do this [I have a nifty blog post about undoing this Gmail tab feature if you are so inclined], the majority of consumers will keep it as is. So, that leaves us marketing folks to figure out how to cut through the segmentation and get in front of the eyes of your audience.
Gmail Tab Marketing :: #EatSleepMarket

1. Keep customizing and segmenting your lists. Content now more than ever needs to be relevant and paired with a captivating subject line to get that open and click-through. Gmail is making your audience work for it click to the Promotions tab – it won’t be right in the first screen anymore so you will be directly competing with every other promotional email out there – and you need to stand out.

2. Record metrics. If you haven’t already, start tracking open and click-through rates now as well as monitoring the day and time marketing emails go out to your lists. It’s important to understand how much of an effect these new tabs will have on your metrics, because they will. And you will need to be prepared to bounce back with a strategy, which brings me to number three.

3. Have a strategy!  Think about your audience and the type of relationship you have with them. Are you on social and communicate with them often? Having an open dialogue about an update such as this affects them just as much – they signed up for your emails for a reason, and if there is a chance that this update will hinder their experience with their brand, they will want to know. And they will thank you for it in the long run.

A great example of this is from Ann Taylor’s LOFT. I was so pleasantly surprised by their very candid way of handling this situation and decided to share their email. Of course I was pleased as punch as a marketer, but as a consumer, I really appreciated the quick “How to” and making it seem so easy to continue to get their emails in my main tab. And it is!

Email Marketing with Gmail Tabs :: #EatSleepMarket

Another one doing it right? The always amazing carter’s (I’m a mom, remember? this place IS amazing) is providing a great reminder at the top of every email:

Email Marketing with Gmail Tabs 2 :: #EatSleepMarket

How are you going to tackle this email update? This is only the beginning as updates and email marketing will continue to evolve. Are you ready??

1 Comment

  1. Reply

    Cyber Monday Email Marketing |

    […] +Gmail Tabs. All of those lovely emails plopped right on into the Promotions tab. Not one was ignored, and this is where they belonged in order to keep the sanity of those less crazy folks that may not want to read or see all of these promotions at once. If they want to see and are interested, they will get to them and they know HOW to get it, especially on Cyber Monday. {However, if you haven’t asked or instructed your opt-ins about permanently adding your future emails to the main tab, check out these instructions and helpful examples.} […]

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