Day-Dates with My Favorite Two Year Old

April 28, 2015

I love that she is TWO.

Madeline with Popcorn - Loving the Terrible Twos - Movie with Mads
Yep, I said it. Let it sink in for a moment.

I love this age. I love TWO. I love the running around in circles, picking flowers in the grass, finger paint on everything, mess in my backseat, screaming to scream and laughing to laugh.

Before you stop reading and think I’ve jumped off the deep end, hear me out…

This age has brought a world of change to our daughter. And I’m sure it’s a world of change to your little one, too. She can articulate needs. She can refuse. She can take. She understands sharing. She is vocally empathetic. She walks into the world with eyes wide open and sees things differently than me. A breath of FRESH air. In turn, I’m experiencing EVERYTHING again.

As a mom that works outside the home, time F   L   I   E   S. I want to soak up as much time with her as I can. I want to be with her and share experiences, darn it! So, what do two gals do that are eager to get out and love on life? Age-appropriate day-dates, of course!

1. Painting / Watercolors / Finger painting

In other words, let’s just get messy and create. Head to the dollar store and pick up the cheap watercolor sets, complete with a paint brush. Next, head to the kitchen and get to painting! Not only does this help with fine motor skills, it gives the littles time to stretch the imagination, have fun and get messy. The paint washed off and out of everything, and I was gifted a few new, colorful prints for my office {frames also available at the dollar stop – it’s a one-stop-shop, I tell you!}. {I’m slightly obsessed with her love of arts + crafts at the moment. There may be a few lot more DIYs coming your way.}


2. Treasure Walks / Rock Collecting + Coloring

We had a blast with this! She normally collects treasures during walks {love it!}. The “treasures” can be anything discovered high or low – twigs, pinecones, gum balls, dandelions or flowers.  A few weeks ago on a treasure walk, she could not get enough of the rocks. Needless to say, when we arrived home, I discovered her pockets were overflowing with these new rock treasures. To make them even more special, we grabbed our washable markers {and maybe some sparkly nail polish} and beautified the treasures.

Here is another DIY creation from a treasure walk this past fall.

treasure hunts rocks

3. “Fancy” Dinner / Picking & Choosing

Every now and then, she and I like to plan an early evening dinner with just the two of us. We try to make them very special. We may go out, I may cook or we head to the grocery store and meal plan together with whatever we are feeling at that moment. Regardless, it’s considered a “nice” meal with new things for her to try and experience. At the end of the meal {and if we are at home}, we use glassware for dessert. I’m a true believer in the little things and creating moments that encourage her, letting her know she is growing up {slowly}, I trust her and trying new things is amazingly fun.

special dishes

4. Sculpture Park Discoveries

We have a sculpture park near us, and before we arrived, I was a little nervous. I told her that we were going to a park, so naturally she was ecstatic. However, this park does NOT have swings. It doesn’t have slides. No jungle gym. Only HUGE sculptures. Well, she’s at that rockstar age of two so she welcomed it with open arms and running feet. She jumped, hid and was kind of amazed at all the different structures. {THANK GOODNESS!} We will return as there are always new things going up and new exhibits to experience, especially during this really nice weather we are starting to have – and if it wants to stick around, I know a little girl that would be totally fine with that!

park date hide and seek

As we shuffle into spring and soon-to-be summer, there are a ton of fun items on our date agenda. Many things will be repeated but it will definitely not be short on mom/daughter memories. I’m really excited just thinking about it! What kind of day dates do you plan with your littles?

>>linking up with ember grey<<


  1. Reply


    i simply love that she loves new things

    1. Reply

      Ann Ehnert

      Ditto, bubbs 🙂 xo

  2. Reply


    I love that you don’t call it the “terrible twos”! It’s just a time for kids to figure out who they are and test the limits and express themselves! So cute!

    1. Reply

      Ann Ehnert

      Thank you 🙂 I never could call them that. Maybe I’m just the forever optimist or maybe we’re just as wild as them! Either way, I agree, they’re just trying to figure it out like us. Thanks for stopping by, Louise!

  3. Reply

    Emily (@embergreyblog)

    The glassware for the dessert is the SWEETEST thing!!! My mom would do this when she would make pudding and I always felt SO special to be eating out of a real glass bowl 🙂 Thanks for linking up, Ann!

    1. Reply

      Ann Ehnert

      Wasn’t it the best?? I LOVE memories like that. I remember when my grandma bought me a ceramic tea set and I just thought that was the most magical thing ever. Hoping we can do the same for this little lady. And as always, thank you for hosting, Emily!

  4. Reply

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