Blast from the Advertising Past

January 8, 2012

Several years ago, it was easy to differentiate and draw a clean line between advertising and marketing, however as digital agencies start to take over the scene, the M&A cousins live closer than ever. Marketers must incorporate design details into national campaigns. Advertisers must create a strategy that marries with the brand management set forth by marketing. And it’s exciting. It’s how it should be. In order to effectively manage your brand’s reputation, all things must be in sync.

And when I started thinking about the history of advertising, I remembered the imagery of memorable ad campaigns of the past. For me, the most memorable would be the Coca Cola campaigns. In fact, my grandfather collects advertisements and I have started to incorporate those into my decor. Crazy but fun blast from the advertising past. And as I started to search for images, I found a few ads for timeless brands. Very intriguing. [It must also be my infatuation of a different time. Yes, I was born in the wrong decade.]

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