Avoiding The Stress Of It All

February 18, 2014

Dear stress - let's break up. <3 me :: #EatSleepMarket


I’m here to talk about stress. Life stresses. Work junk. Personal hassles. Everyday blahs.

You’re familiar. I can tell.

Picture this: Your day is just starting out and it’s an early hour. Nothing out of the norm. You feel great. Get in that groove. Woo! Get it.

You have your “To Do” list drafted, cup of coffee seated as your right hand man, email inbox open, music starts to play…

Then it happens. What is it?


It’s not just one thing. It’s a million things. Did they come at once? Maybe. Maybe they decided to do a fun game of “water board the innocent”. Drip, drip, drip. Just enough timing between the last task to really start getting under your skin.

What do you do?

Well, you could endure it, you brave soul. OR you could do something about it. I’m often aware when this fun little game of “Let’s ruin Ann’s day” is approaching, so I know that I need to grab hold of it tight and knock it to the ground before it gets the best of me … on most days.

Recipe for {anywhere, anytime} relief:

Take 1 moment + 2 hands away from all technology + 3 steps back  + 4 stretches {neck, shoulder, arm, leg} + 5 focused deep breaths

Simple. Honest. True. It doesn’t take much, but if you can do this for yourself during those moments that seem less than desirable, the smile will come back to your face.

AND if that doesn’t work, this should work just as good. Trust.

How do you cope with or overcome stress?


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    Weekly Wishes #8 | eat.sleep.market.

    […] +remember this. always. […]

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    Aubrey (@Aubreyland325)

    OMG these past two weeks were heinous. Work and personal and school. But you know what the problem is? I say YES too much, and then everything collides. A friend told me that when you say YES to something, always remember that means NO to something else… like free time, study time, snuggle with the kitties time, SLEEP time.

    I’m determined to turn over a new leaf, starting Monday when I’m done with my finals. 🙂

    1. Reply


      Sounds like a plan 🙂 I love your friend’s thought about balancing the Yes and No! Smart and hopefully, easily executed. Good luck with your finals!!

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    Weekly Wishes #9 | eat.sleep.market.

    […] +remember this. always. […]

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